Thursday, June 10, 2010

One month to go!

I figured that a blog is the easiest way to keep everyone up to date on our trip plans. Although I won't be able to update it while we are in Africa, I might convince my mom to!

Mike and I received a HUGE blessing this past week. Mike is very involved in a football forum for Aggies ( On the forum, there is a religion section. A few weeks ago, Mike decided to post our mission trip on the forum and see if we could get a few Aggies to support up. Immediately, we received a response. Over the weeks, more and more Aggies have reached out to us and offered their support. On Monday, a gentleman in Houston emailed Mike for more information about the trip. When Mike responded, he informed him that we had an additional $1500 to raise, but more than anything we need prayer. The man from Houston (a complete stranger) then responded that him and his wife are very passionate about missions and would like to donate $1500 to our mission fund, plus an additional $500 for any further expenses! What a blessing! We don't know how to ever repay this gentleman and his wife, but I know the Lord has a dump truck full of blessings to pour out!

In addition to this kind gentleman, several other Aggies, friends and loved ones have contributed to our trip. I know that the Lord will bless each and every one of them. We are so thankful to have people in our life that encourage our daily walk with the Lord. With all of the funding we have received, our trip is completely paid for! Plus, we will be able to help any additional people on our trip. The extra money that we have remaining will be used to purchase supplies and other items needed by the people of Morogoro. I can't wait to see the blessings that are to come!

With our trip paid and our vaccinations done, Mike and I can not wait until we step foot in Africa! We will continue to keep you posted on our status during the days to come. In the mean time, please pray for our families. It is never easy on your family when you are traveling across the world (literally) for a few weeks. There are ten people traveling with us to Tanzania. Please pray for their families as well. Also, pray for their jobs. We also ask that you pray for our hearts, that the Lord is preparing them for the people of Morogoro. And most importantly, please pray for the people of Morogoro. Ask that they will receive us and will be open to the Lord's blessings!

Thank you for all of your support!

Mike and Jessica Crain

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