Sunday, June 17, 2012


It is officially the rainy season in Bangladesh.  The good news is that it is cool.  The roads are flooded and they saw a dead cow floating in the river.  They visited Compassion Intl and a village of Hindu converts.  She said it was a wonderful experience.  They have met the kindess most giving people you could imagine. The ants love to snack on their hands and arms and they planted some plants at a hospital in ant beds.  Very painful.....they are missing anti-itch medicine.  Someone on their team picked up a poisonous frog and their hand itched horribly the rest of the day.  Mike has a bad cold but they luckily have amoxicilln.  Due to the constant rain they are staying wet.  Jessica washed their clothes but they have not dried yet.  So they are on day three of wearing the same clothes.  They saw a Hindu temple in a village where they were sacrificing goats, cows and ducks.  And prayed for many in that village.  Tomorrow they will make 5 mile walk to a hospital and stay there over night.  Happy Father's Day from Bangladesh!!!

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