Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Homeward Bound

Jessica and Mike have made it safely to the airport in Dar Es Salaam. Their plane left at 3am their time. But they got to the airport about 9:30 pm their time. It is very unsafe to travel by night there and it takes 3 hours to travel by car to the airport so they left Morogoro early to avoid traveling at night. So as I type this they should be airborne to Etiopia were they will land at 6:45 am. They will then have a layover in Etiopia until 10am where they will board another flight to Franfurt, that will land at 435pm. They will then have until Monday the 26th in Germany where they will leave and arrive back at DFW at 225pm. Lots of traveling and lots of layovers. I am sure they will be exhausted by the time they arrive at their house Monday.

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