Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mambo everyone! (Hello)

(mike typing)

We are almost finished with our second day here in Morogoro and today was alot of hard work. We went up the mountain to a highschool in Chamwino and worked on building a dorm for the kids. Its amazing to see how hard our friends here work - non stop. Tonight we're going to be heading back to the church to work with more of the kids (and hopefully play a little futbol !)

Mike's time is over. This is Jessica.
We are in a land where they pee in holes, eat corn meal with spiders in it, boil entire fish and call it good, and clean dishes with dirt. And we LOVE it! I have fallen in love with the children. I have hugged a child, laughed at a child, cried over a child and cooked with a child. And we have been here less than two days. I love the Ugali (cornmeal and water) and stay away from the chicken. (We found a lung and a feather in ours.) I am teaching at a school with 30 students ages 18-22. Most of the girls have had children (for money) and they are trying to further their education. The people here LOVE the Lord and experience true joy.

We ride around in a pink van that has broken down three times. We have run out of gas, had a gas leak, had a dead battery, and I'm sure it will continue.

I think Mike and I belong here. We are more than okay. To Mom and Dad- I miss you and love you and wish you could experience these people. To Amanda- you have to come back with me! And to Little Andrew and Allison, the children here are wonderful...but not as wonderful as you!

I love you all and miss you like crazy- but I am literally having the time of my life sleeping under mosquito nets and trying to pee in a hole!

Love to you all! Kwa Herie!


  1. I love your post and I love that you are in love with Africa. Enjoy every second! I am praying that God continues to bless your time there and that He will use to and bless His people. Love you!

  2. What a great update and description of your time so far! We are thinking of you all!


  3. I typed you a big long message yesterday but it didn't show up. :( I bet Mike looks cute sleeping under the pink mosquito net. I'm glad you guys are having a good time. I saw your mom yesterday. I told her I was worried you weren't going to come home. She assured me you would. ;)
